I want to thank Ben Johnson for his presentation of Model A Ford tools at the February meeting. It has been many years since he had done this, and I am sure that even some of the members that had listened to his presentation previously, learned something new. Thank you also, for the members that brought in tools to display and talk about. I again must thank Suzann Jackson for the donation of her wonderful quilted items for the raffle.
Mike Kelly has indicated that February 11th is the date of the first Tour Committee meeting. Anyone who desires to run a tour, or has an idea for a tour, kindly contact Mike. The program for the March meeting will be the Second Annual Pie Extrav “A” ganza. As we are enjoying the pies, there will be plenty of time for discussions amongst members. Please contact Bill or Kerrie Brum at brum1@comcast.net to inform them of what type of pie you will be bringing in.
We will be holding our Annual Flea Market at the Holmes Transportation Building on Sunday March 3, 2019. This is our major money making event for the club. We will need help at in the morning to assist the vendors setting up, and some help with cleanup after the show. We also need donations of food for the food booth and people to assist at the booth. Kindly bring in the food donations to either the March meeting or to the Flea Market on Sunday morning. Our Annual Awards Lunch will be held on Sunday, March 31, 2019. There is further information regarding the Lunch elsewhere in the newsletter.
While on the Awards Banquet, please see the ballot elsewhere in the newsletter and mail in your nominations for the Morgan Smith Awards. They must be received by the March meeting.
As announced at the February meeting, MARCOM will be hosting the New England Regional Meet in 2021. Lou Zadra has volunteered to be the Chairperson, and I will be the Co-Chairperson. Lou will have more information on this endeavor in the future.
Members, please let us know if you would like to present a program or have ideas for a program at a future meeting. You can contact me, or any Board member. We will need programs for the upcoming year! I really would appreciate someone to step up to coordinate the programs for the year.
For any updates regarding the club’s functions, please go to the website and view the calendar.
Dean Zwicker – MARCOM President