Greetings MARCOM members,
I want to thank Dean Zwicker and his dedicated crew for another successful Flea Market. Dean will make a full report at the April meeting. Also, many thanks go to the Holmes family, our welcoming hosts for the day.
.April will be a busy month with our regular meeting on the 5th the Awards Banquet on Sunday the 7th and the first tour of the season to Borderland Park in Easton MA on the 21st. Sign up sheets will be at the meeting. Please see the flyer enclosed! Joe Amara has a very active tour season planned for us. Please try and attend as many as you can!
I hope to see everyone at the Awards Banquet on April 7th at the Meadowbrook Restaurant in Hanson. Please contact Pat Zwicker or me before Friday March 29th.
Mike Kelly – MARCOM President