Our next meeting is on October 13th, 2023.  Please note the date change, this is the second Friday of the month.
We had to change the meeting date because of scheduling conflicts with many of our members
who attend the Hersey Flea Market. I’m also going to be attending my 50th high school reunion
on the first Friday in October. The church was very accommodating and let us change the

We had a very nice Breakfast Tour to the Jones River Historical Society in Kingston, MA. We
had 10 cars make the ride from the Walmart in Halifax. The weather did cooperate for the
morning and a good time was had by all.

MARCOM was well represented at the New England Meet this month in Long Island NY. We
had over 20 MARCOM members present with 10 Model A’s. The Long Island club were very
gracious hosts. Thank You for all your hard work!

Lastly the board members have appointed Pat Zwicker as Chair of the Nominating Committee.
Pat will see to the other members of the committee. Any member interested in a position as an
officer or on the Board of Directors, please contact Pat at #508-285-3211 or
A29Lady@aol.com. Nominations for the various positions will be accepted and voted on at the
October 13th meeting.


Mike Kelly – MARCOM President