2024 – August President’s Message

2024 – August President’s Message

Greetings MARCOM: I hope this newsletter finds you all in good spirts. We are
coming to a very busy time of year for us. In last month’s newsletter, I asked everyone
to think about officers for the upcoming year. Our new bylaws are written to enhance
the growth of the board of directors. The language now in place doesn’t permit a board
member to hold another office in the club except for the president who is the
Chairperson of the BOD. The treasurer and secretary are members of the board but
not voting members. Their input is vital to the board to make decisions for the good of
the club. So please think about becoming a member of the board.

The New England meet is approaching fast. It’s being held in Connecticut this year on
September 12th -15th. I hope to see many of you there. This is a great way to support
the hobby and ensure its growth for generations to come.

Please try and participate in the many upcoming events and tours as you can and if
you have an idea for an event or tour you think may interest the club members please
reach out to myself or Joe Amara.

Mike Kelly – MARCOM President