2024 – July President’s Message

2024 – July President’s Message

Unfortunately, we had to cancel the Blueberry tour because of lack of berries. At least it wasn’t
rain this time!

The breakfast tour to Jones River Village was well attended and the food did not disappoint. We
had 5 cars on the drive to Bradford House and several more showed up on their own. I did meet
three other Model A owners who are not members of the club but may soon be. I also had the
pleasure of speaking with Bruce Madio’s mother-in-law who was there with a group of her
friends. Bruce is making progress, but slowly, so reach out with well wishes.

Lastly, I would like to mention putting some thought into our upcoming year. Soon we will be
forming a nominating committee. I urge you to consider volunteering for the chance to bring
new blood into the club. Please give some thought into possible tours, events and programs. Our
club is in a position to blossom thanks to our long-time members who have carried the touch
thus far. In conversations with some of the new members I’ve discovered a diverse experience
base, which could be shared for the good of the club.

See you soon,

Mike Kelly – MARCOM President